Idle Too Long

So I’m paying for this domain name and hosting service and all I am really using it for at the moment is a cool ass email address. I need to change that.

Photography has kind of been on hold ever since the pandemic. I just don’t feel safe and secure going out into the world and taking pictures. I have a ton of exposed film in the fridge, some of it shot well over a year ago or more. But without going out and shooting somehow the motivation for developing and scanning the film has somehow vanished as well. Maybe I’ll give myself a kick in the ass and get that done but the kitchen in the new place doesn’t feel like it would lend itself well to the task.

So blogging… I used to have a very active blog/tumblr not too long ago. I don’t really do a lot there any longer. There are a couple of mutuals who are still active there that I interact with. Back in the 90’s “online journaling” was kind of a thing and I was involved in it. Blogs were a big deal then and I went through quite a few of them. I think for now that will be the main focus here. I enjoy writing, even if most of what I do is kvetching. The big question is can I keep it up? I’ll do my best to try and write something here every day, even if it is just for me. A place to spill out my thoughts. Why not?