I Don't Trust It

I don’t trust people who don’t swear. I mean… you don’t have to swear like a sailor. Every other word out of your mouth doesn’t need to be an expletive, but if you twist your speech into pretzels to avoid saying fuck or shit it makes me question your motives as to why you’re going to such lengths. There are times when no other word will suffice, when no other word carries sufficient gravitas or level of contempt. If you “never ever swear” your ass is phony.

Likewise, I don’t trust people who don’t drink. And let me just clarify that I don’t mean people who no longer drink or abstain for dietary reasons or whatever… there are plenty of valid reasons not to imbibe. I don’t trust people who have never taken a sip of alcohol. Why? What are you afraid of? Who are you trying to impress? You’re certainly not impressing me with your piety.

Why do these things bother me? Because life is meant to be lived. Don’t half-ass being yourself. If you’re pissed off about something, offended, irate, whatever and the expletives are zooming through your thoughts, let those motherfuckers out. If you’re of age and you’ve never taken a sip of beer, wine, whatever don’t let some inane sense of purity or whatever prevent you from having that experience.

Life is short and full enough of regrets already. No need to impose these restrictions on yourself and live a less-than-full life.