
I’m as guilty as most other photographers when it comes to gear. New, shiny things are exciting and hard to resist. I gave in to temptation and bought a beautiful 50mm f/0.95lens from 7artisans. And it is a beautiful lens, all metal with a nice heft, fully mechanical. Just the sort of things I love in a lens. But…

It’s made for an APC cropped sensor. My a7ii is a full frame camera. The corners are cut off and it looks like you’re seeing things through a peep hole. Now, I knew that it wasn’t a full frame lens and all the reviews and info I could find on the lens before I purchased it suggested that it would simply act like a 75mm because the ratio of the lens’s focal length and the size of the sensor.


I don’t think there’s really a lesson to be learned here. Gear Acquisition Syndrome is always going to be something I’ll have to contend with. I know this. Will this be the last lens that doesn’t completely live up to the expectations that build in my head while I impatiently await its arrival? Certainly not. But hopefully, in the future, I’ll be able to avoid buying anything that is as incompatible as this lens is with my current gear.

We live and learn.