35 mm or 120

I am planning on taking a more advanced photography class in the fall that also includes film photography and darkroom techniques. I’ve acquired quite a few film cameras over the past few years. I have a nice Pentax spotmatic, a Konica Autoreflex TC, a really nice and clean Fujica ST701, a couple of nice rangefinders as well as a few Minolta SLRs. But I also have a Yashica TLR and a gorgeous (but hefty) Zenza Bronica ETRS. I have a couple of other lower quality medium format cameras like a Holga and a Lubitel 166, but I’m not considering using either of those.

My gear acquisition syndrome is catching up with me. I have so many film cameras that choosing the one I want to use has become a ponderous process. Note: I didn’t refer to this as a problem, nor did I say that I had too many cameras.