Ektar 100


When I first came back to film I tried as many different film stocks as I could get my hands on and one of the first was Kodak Ektar 100. One of the main reasons was because it’s easy to come by. It’s incredibly easy to find online and you can even find it in small local photo shops. It’s not the easiest to lay your hands on - that would be Kodak Gold 200 or Fuji Superia 200, both of which you can usually find in drug stores and big box stores.

But I fell in love with Ektar immediately and it’s become my favorite color stock. Its warmth and fine grain give a look that I find just dreamy. Even though its low ISO of 100 it handles low light pretty well - it’s got quite a bit of latitude when in comes to exposure. This is an image from the very first roll of Ektar that I shot and it’s one of my favorite images.



I went down to Wooster Square early one morning just to see and photograph the blossoms. One of the ideas I had in mind was to do something somewhat abstract, focusing on the blossoms and little else. I had my Minolta XE-5 in hand with my Rokkor 55mm f/1.7 lens mounted. I wanted as much bokeh as possible so I opened the lens as wide as possible and got as close as I possibly could. I was shooting Kodak Ektar 100, which is one of my favorite film stocks. It turned out much nicer than I had anticipated. This one is getting printed, mounted, framed and hung on the wall.

This is all new to me (again)

It’s been a while since I’ve had my own blog, my own domain. I used to be a web designer a lifetime ago and remember a bit of the tools of the trade but certainly not enough to try and do it on my own again. So… squarespace. I plan on using this space to feature my photography, talk about my process and journey and probably occasionally ramble on about nothing. Thanks for stopping by and checking me out and come back again soon.